R2R Brings Mini Lamborghini Urus to JDCH

We are taking a fond look back at a very special Ride2Revive event when we made a delivery to Joe DiMaggio’s Children’s Hospital on September 11th, 2019. Doctors, Nurses, Parents & Patients cheered as a flat-bed dropped off 5 yellow mini Lamborghini Urus cars for the children to enjoy, followed by a full-size yellow Lamborghini Urus. One of the parents said it looked like a mother duck and her little ducklings following close behind.

Ride2Revive brought these kids in the hospital a little bit of sunshine and a million reasons to smile, helping to distract them during their time spent at JDCH. Instead of being taken from their hospital room to the places where they go for treatment or body scans in a wheelchair . . . these mini Lamborghini cars make their movement throughout the hospital more fun. Just another way Ride2Revive provides Miles of Smiles on the Road to Recovery.
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