My son Ari who is 15 has been with Ride2Revive for 7 years! Ari has a rare chromosome disorder called Trisomy 9 Mosaic. It comes with a host of medical problems and special needs. He is a true miracle and a blessing! He has defied the odds with bravery, courage, humor and of course art! His love for coloring with markers (especially highlighters lol) has been a lifesaver and such a comfort for him during every hospital stay, procedure and doctor’s appointments. The reason I’m reaching out is simply just to thank you personally for joining the Ride2Revive team!
Your artwork plays a big part of Ari’s life. From New York to Florida I can’t even count how many Dr. offices have had your artwork displayed. It’s almost like playing a treasure hunt! Ari looks for the bold colors and fun shapes in every office he goes to. And when he finds it hanging on the wall it’s like an instant calming effect. This place must not be so bad if they have the cool pictures! Perhaps the most prominent artwork he sees is the big glove outside Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. Every time we pull up, his eyes light up and he forgets for a minute where he is. The hospital is like our home, we are there pretty often and I can’t thank you enough for displaying your heart and art not just for Ari but all the kids who pull up nervous and scared for surgeries and procedures.

Yesterday though, brought a new level of happiness to Ari! Yesterday he got to associate your art with one of the days he looks forward to all year! Excitement and speed and his love for cars just makes him happy lol! And to be able to see your art in this setting was like a whole new ballgame for him! He recognized it right away and signed (he is non-verbal) same mommy, same like Joe D! For me as his mom to see him put together in his head all from the sparkle in his eyes that your art was there at one of his favorite places to be, filled him with so much life! He wanted to ride it and actually tried to open the door lol and the alarm went off lol he laughed and was proud even though we as parents put our hands over our eyes! Thank you for sharing your art with kids like Ari, and I hope this conveys to you how much it impacts him and is a part of his life. Today, in just an hour we will be pulling up to Joe DiMaggio for a two day stay to monitor his seizures! And I know as we pull up, he won’t be signing same mommy like Joe D, he will be signing – same mommy, like Ride2Revive!
Thank you, All the Best
Leah Cohn