Each day is special...
A memory that lasts 365 days of the year
Not all of our foundation’s efforts are focused on a single Annual Track Event. In fact, it is far from it. Our work must continue before and after this. Our mission is to provide Miles of Smiles on the Road to Recovery… every day of the year.
We know this is a formidable task, but cancer in children is one of the most common causes of disease for children in America, where an estimated 15,780 children below 19 years of age are diagnosed with cancer each year. Globally more than 300,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every year.
While survival rates for many types of cancer is improving, far too many children with cancer are facing a shorter life. Ride2Revive may not be able to offer a cure, but we can offer one day in a child’s life that they will remember forever… and that huge smile on the child’s face will remain with us also.
Childhood Cancer: The R2R Effect
Please meet Angelo…
Angelo was a cancer patient at Joe Dimaggio Children’s Hospital. He loves cars and his dream was to visit the Lamborghini factory in Italy. While a trip to Italy was out of reach, 48 hours after the hospital contacted us, we brought a Lamborghini to him instead!
At last, Angelo got to take a ride in his favorite automobile… a Lamborghini. To make this an experience he can look back on forever, we installed dash-cam video and brought along professional photographers. Angelo’s family and several staff members who care for him were on hand to make this memory even more complete. So many people with so many smiles and of course the biggest smile belonged to Angelo. You can read here what Angelo’s mom said about our visit.

“We have never seen a smile so big and for so long on Angelo.”
Read More Story’s on our Blog
From Angelo’s Mom
Dear Ride2Revive, Thank you so much for everything. The truth is Angelo hadn't smiled in a full week because he was in the hospital for a side effect of the chemo....
Angelo at Joe DiMaggio Childrens Hospital
Dear Ride2Revive, On Tuesday's we run a support group for our adolescent oncology patients on the floor and Angelo shared that for his “Make a Wish” he is hoping to go the...